KDGC is one of the largest and most active Disc Golf clubs in the province of BC. We invite one and all to visit our course at Rose Hill.
Nestled in the hills above Kamloops, BC is a disc golfers paradise - scenic Rose Hill West. This 19 acre park features some of the prettiest scenery Kamloops has to offer; big Pondarosa Pines, bunch grass, cactus, sagebrush and stunning views. At Rose Hill you won't find crowds or a myriad of other park users; just you, your friends and mother nature - the way disc golf was intended to be played. How this park space turned into BC's biggest Disc Golf course is a story unto itself.
The KDGC was formed around four main principles:
promote the sport of Disc Golf through new course development, support/maintenance & upgrading of our current course
actively promote inexpensive play
host events intended to introduce new players to the sport of Disc Golf
support organized tournament play
In 1998 & 99 The City of Kamloops Parks and Recreation offered several Disc Golf Clinics at Temporary courses and were impressed with the interest in the sport. By 1999 a core group of disc golfers (who had been playing on a natural course in Kamloops) approached the Parks department about the possibility of developing a permanent course somewhere in the city. Parks manager Dave Hilton agreed to identify which city parks might lend themselves to a disc golf course, but sugested that the rag tag group organize themselves. Soon there after, Rose Hill park was identified as the most suitable place to develop a course.
An open house was set up on March 29th 2000, to gauge support/opposition to the proposed course. Immediately after the meeting Dave Hilton gave the club the thumbs up to go ahead with the course. With the generous support of the BC Disc Sports Society (BCDSS), the Kamloops club was able to purchase 9 Innova Discatchers. By the end of April 2000 Kamloops Had its first 18 hole course (9 catchers and 9 Tonals) - all in less than 3 months!
How was it that the KDGC got their course installed so quickly when other course take years to develop? Several factors helped the club get off to a flying start. First of all the KDGC fostered a close relationship with Parks and Recreation department. The Kamloops crew received excellent support during the planning stages and in the first season of play. As well, The BCDSS and James Brown (an honorary life time member of the KDGC) were instrumental with their direction and assistance.
In 2019, it was approved in a 5-4 vote by City Council for the KDGC to work with the City of Kamloops to develop a course on the old McArthur Island Golf Course site, and in the summer of 2019, the McArthur Island Disc Golf Course was installed.

Thomas Griffin
Executive Officer

Carrie Neal
Public Relations Officer

Andrew Klassen
Events Officer - League

Colin McDaniel
Operations Officer

Pierre Desjardins
Membership Officer

Danielle Brandt
Events Officer - Clinics

Ben Laidlaw
Special Events & Projects Officer

Zach Bernier
Maintenance Officer

Bruce Hegyi
Events Officer - Doubles