Elizabeth deVries
Oct 11, 2024
More rounds = more chances to win!

Enter to win $10 SWAP BUCKS!
Print this or take a screenshot and edit it on your phone. Send it in, with a screenshot of your round scoring, to elizabeth4devries@gmail.com More rounds = more chances to enter and win!
Every line gets you one chance to win! Draw will happen on October 17th, 8pm. Two random winners will get $10 swap bucks to be used with any vendor at the Oct 19th KDGC Disc Swap and Sale.
Find the event at McArthur Island Sports Council Lounge from 6 - 10pm
Fun, games, vendors and a bar for drinks and snacks- free admission.
Gaby S
Gaby S
Clive L
Clive L
Clive L
Clive L
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Adam B
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Jeremy L
Jeremy L
Jeremy L
Jeremy L
Jeremy L
Lisa C
Lisa C
Lisa C
Lisa C
Gaby S
Gaby S
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Cori L
Our lucky two winners, drawn by Random.org, are #4 and #1!
Gaby and Clive I will be in touch to get you your $10 SWAP BUCKS!